Summer Missionaries

Serve God on and off the Mountain!

Summer Missionaries live at Skycroft and serve in various aspects of the camp ministry such as recreation, HeBrews coffee shop, maintenance, and housekeeping. Missionaries also spend a portion of every week off-campus serving alongside local churches to spread the Gospel.

Program Details

  • Flexible 7-9 week commitment
  • Most weekends off
  • Must be 18+ to apply

Weekly Pay is $550 per week

+ room & board


2025 Program Dates: June 9 – August 8

Am I compensated for my work?

Yes, first-year missionaries are paid a stipend of $550/week, paid on a bimonthly basis.

Where will I be staying?
Skycroft provides housing for your entire summer (from training forward) and meals are provided. Housing will be community housing, meaning summer missionaries will be sharing bunk space with other people. Ladies and gentleman will be housed separately on different parts of Skycroft’s campus.
Do I get time off? Can I take leave?
Summer missionaries will typically be off from Friday at 4:30 pm to Sunday at 2 pm. Missionaries can either stay on campus during time off or they can leave campus for the weekend to visit family, friends, attend their home church, etc. It is possible that we may have an opportunity to support a local church over a weekend, in which case those dates would be communicated well in advance.

If approved in advance of the summer schedule, summer missionaries may take 1-2 weeks off during the summer if school, family or other calendar obligations warrant. For example, these weeks may be taken at the end of the summer if an individual has to report back to school earlier than our program end date of August 11. Missionaries are not paid for weeks they are on leave.

Are there any certification requirements?
Yes, we ask that all Summer Missionaries attend our Challenge Course training in late-May to become Challenge Course certified (high ropes, low ropes, zip line). Additionally, all Summer Missionaries will become First Aid/CPR certified during training week in June. Those interested will also have the opportunity to become Lifeguard certified during training week. Skycroft provides all these trainings at no cost to missionaries.
What kind of things will I be doing this summer at Skycroft?
Summer missionaries serve in various aspects of the camp ministry at Skycroft. Their time is spent primarily in Recreation (ropes course facilitation, zip line, Bazooka ball, etc.), serving in HeBrews Coffee and Ice Cream shop, and facilitating camp activities such as weekly campfires, camp karaoke, carnival days, etc. Missionaries also support the maintenance and housekeeping operations as needed (sweeping and mopping floors, conference room set up, making beds, vacuuming, etc.).
What kind of things could I be doing as I serve with local churches?
Skycroft partners with the Blue Ridge Baptist Association and its affiliated churches to support the ongoing work of the local Church in Washington and Frederick counties. Summer Missionaries jump in to assist local churches with evangelism and outreach, inner city ministries, Vacation Bible Schools and other children’s programming, building projects, and much more. Each week of the summer looks a little different in where and how missionaries serve.